Zaluzhny posted photos of downed Russian ZALA and Tachyon UAVs, they show a Canon consumer camera (again)

By: Anry Sergeev | 03.05.2022, 13:09

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Zaluzhny informed on Facebook about two dozen Russian drones shot down over the past two days with a total value of over $2 million. And he published photos of the destroyed Zala and Tachyon UAVs. The pictures show that Tachyon uses a Canon consumer camera, which looks more than adequate for partisan or rebel equipment assembled “on the knee”, but absolutely unacceptable for the “second army of the world”, which spent billions of dollars on its rearmament and had years of time for the development of such systems. According to Zaluzhny, Tachyon was shot down in the Western direction of the front, and ZALA - in the North. 

This is not the first time the Russian military has used consumer electronics and primitive technology in drones. Earlier, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down an Orlan-10 UAV, in which discovered a Canon consumer camera and... a plastic bottle. Formerly Ukrainian using electronic warfare, the latest Orlan-30 UAV was landed, in which a plastic bottle was used instead of a fuel tank.

What is Tachyon UAV

The Tachyon electric UAV in the "flying wing" form factor was developed in 2012 by Izhmash - Unmanned Systems. It is designed for observation, target designation, fire adjustment, aerial photography and video shooting, and can also be used as a mobile communications repeater. With a wingspan of 2 meters, it has a takeoff weight of 25 kg, of which 5 kg is the weight of the payload (cameras or radio equipment). Its electric motor allows speeds up to 120 km/h. The duration of the flight, which takes place at altitudes from 50 to 4000 meters at a cruising speed of 65 km / h, is limited to 2 hours, the range is 40 kilometers. Tachyon is launched with the help of a catapult, and descends to the ground after a parachute flight.

On the pictures published by Zaluzhny, the inscription Canon is visible next to the zoom lens. Such lenses are typical for Canon consumer zoom cameras, for example, the Canon PowerShot ELPH 340 HS model (in the US it is known as IXUS 265 HS), which has been produced since 2014.

UAV ZALA: what is known about it

Judging by the head of the downed ZALA UAV with a characteristic rotary camera head, we are talking about a model ZALA 421-16E. Like all drones of the ZALA series, it is produced by the Izhevsk company ZALA AERO GROUP  (which also produces recently shot down by APU kamikaze drone Cub-UAV ). This is an UAV in the "flying wing" form factor, but with characteristic features: it has a fuselage, but no tail. The device has an interchangeable head, in which not only cameras can be installed, but also thermal imager with laser pointer, gas analyzer, dosimeter or notification system. The wingspan of the ZALA 421-16E is 2.8 meters with a takeoff weight of 10.5 kg (1.8 kg payload). The flight duration can be more than 4 hours, the maximum distance for communication with the drone is 75 km. It is capable of flying at altitudes from 200 to 5000 meters at a speed of 65 to 110 km/h. For launch, a pneumatic installation is used, for landing - a parachute.

Judging by the published pictures of the downed drone, most likely it had a regular head with a regular FullHD video camera.

Source: Facebook of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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