Nothing, Forever has been launched on Twitch: it's endless and generated by artificial intelligence

By: Elena Shcherban | 04.02.2023, 23:39

Humans continue to test the power of artificial intelligence: they create pictures, songs, write lyrics, etc. with the help of neural networks. AI has also made its way into the film industry, with a series called Nothing, Forever, which is generated by artificial intelligence, streaming on Twitch.


Neural networks DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, Azure Cognitive Services and ChatGPT are responsible for creating content, creating dialogue, direction, character placement, frame and scene lengths, music and character voices. The series is constantly changing as artificial intelligence develops the narrative based on viewer reaction.

Nothing, Forever is based on the 80s and 90s sitcom Seinfeld. The series has some references to real-life series and characters, but it's more of a pixel show, often without meaning or intelligible dialogue.

"Nothing, Forever is a show about nothing that lasts forever. Sort of like the popular sitcoms of the past, except that it never ends. The series is always on and running 365 days a year and new content is delivered every minute," say the writers.

At times, the characters in the series talk outright nonsense or behave very strangely. Nevertheless, Nothing, Forever was launched in mid-December and it still has enough viewers. You can watch the endlessly generated content HERE.

Source: Twitch