A Ukrainian company has created a chatbot that will help to record and publish a post on Facebook after death

By: Elena Shcherban | 08.11.2022, 23:40

The Ukrainian team of Master of Code Global has created a chatbot Post Mortem Post, which will help prepare the last Facebook message in the event of a user's death.

Here's How It Works

This is not an ordinary post with gratitude or memories, but a charitable "will". Simply put, the purpose of such a post is to motivate friends and family to donate to charity. For now, there is only one charity on the list - Gilda's Toronto, which supports cancer patients. But over time, it will expand.

So, to make a "will," you need to click on the Post Mortem Post Facebook page and start a conversation with a chatbot. It will then prompt you to choose a legacy contact: a person who can make decisions about your Facebook profile after your death.

The chatbot offers to record a video message, which it will generate and send on messenger to the legacy contact so that he/she can publish it on behalf of your page after death.

Source: Master of Code Team