The creator of The Witcher universe is working on a new novel of the popular series! The book will be released very soon

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.08.2023, 15:02

While millions of fans of The Witcher universe are waiting for a new trilogy of games from CD Projekt RED (and the wait will be long), the author of the cult novels about Geralt of Rivia - Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski - is not sitting idle.

Here's What We Know

In a podcast broadcast on the Ukrainian channel Fantastic talk(s) (Fantastic talk), Sapkowski said that he is actively working on a new novel about a white-haired witch!

The author said he wasn't ready to reveal details about the book yet, but he was happy to announce that the work on the novel will take no more than a year.

Usually I don't talk about what I'm working on until I complete the process. But I always make exceptions for Ukrainians, and I'll do it now: yes, I'm working pretty hard on a new Witcher book. It may take a year, but not more.

Note that it's been ten years since the last book in The Witcher universe was published, it was the prequel Season of Storms, and the final book in the main series of novels, The Lady of the Lake, was published 24 years ago!

Sapkowski could not have imagined how popular his novels would become after the release of CD Projekt RED's video games and Netflix's TV series. To his credit, he didn't take advantage of the hype and release low-brow books. Therefore, the release of the new novel is sure to be a momentous occasion for Witcher fans.

Source: Fantastic talk