The fight against stalking: FCC plans to introduce new rules to protect cars

By: Nastya Bobkova | 29.02.2024, 15:12

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has proposed new rules to make it harder for domestic violence victims to be stalked through car tracking systems.

Here's What We Know

Jessica noted that the FCC could use its power to create new ways to protect victims of domestic violence. According to the report, the agency is studying the available connected car services and considering the need to amend the Safe Connectivity Act. The initiative came about because people are using GPS to track victims of violence through their cars. Rosenworcel noted that cars are important to victims because they help them escape and find help.

When We Can Expect It

The FCC is expected to take up the issue within the next month, after which the proposal will be open for public comment before final approval.

Rosenworcel's proposal also requires automotive service providers to comment on protections for victims of domestic violence. This topic has also attracted the attention of Congress and other legislative bodies. If passed, the proposal could be an important step in the fight against domestic violence and the misuse of technology in this context.

Source: The Verge