It's time to dominate Arrakis: 4X real-time strategy game Dune: Spice Wars will leave early access on September 14

Shiro Games, the developer of the 4X strategy game Dune: Spice Wars, has announced that the game will leave the early access in September.
Here's What We Know
On 14 September, version 1.0 will be released, which symbolises the transition to the full version of the game. At the same time, the developers answered popular questions from players.
The game supports online mode for up to 4 players. You can play 1vs1 or 2vs2. But there is also a Conquest mode, which is analogous to the storyline. Players go through a series of unique scenarios and situations that encourage them to use every system at their disposal to make progress. And procedural maps and events will allow you to play through the mode several times.
Spice Wars is not a direct adaptation of any one source, it is the developers' vision of the Dune universe and its characters, so certain aspects may differ from how they are depicted in films or books.
Currently, the game is available only on PC, but the team is considering porting it to other platforms, operating systems, and optimising the Steam Deck version. Dune: Spice Wars is available on Steam for $30.
You can read more about the developers' answers here.
Dune: Spice Wars is a 4X real-time strategy (RTS) game based on the iconic Dune universe by Frank Herbert. The 4X strategy is based on the four X's model: eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate. The pace here is slower than in classic RTS. You can pause and rewind time. Spice Wars also features research, territory control, economic growth, battles, politics, and espionage.
Source: steam