In the latest Sons of the Forest update, the developers have slightly adjusted the game's difficulty in some aspects

By: Dmitro Koval | 01.10.2023, 15:02

The indie adventure game Sons of the Forest was released in early access back in February this year and is still in development. Endnight Games is actively adding new features and content - for example, in the latest update, players were given the opportunity to adjust the difficulty level in different circumstances, as well as several new items, including a pickaxe, and new buildings to build.

Here's What We Know

In the Update Notes, the developers talk about several changes to the game:


  • Creepies are now more resistant to bullets and have increased health;
  • Added a two-second cooldown for the reaction to impacts to reduce the stun level of Puffies;
  • Fingers and Twins now have more aggressive behaviour;
  • Reduced melee spear damage from 15 to 10.


  • Reduced the likelihood of creepy creatures taking over overpopulated villages;
  • Reduced the maximum number of Creepies in the late game outside the village by 20%.

What Else Is New

Along with these changes, Endnight has added a new cave with a Pickaxe, and there are various books and collectibles to be found. In addition, several dozen changes have been made to improve the quality of life, bug fixes, sound updates, and more.

Source: insider-gaming