"The worlds we dream of" - Bioware veteran Mac Walters spoke about his new studio's plans and operating principles

By: Anton Kratiuk | 24.11.2023, 19:27

Last week we reported that the lead writer of Mass Effect franchise Mac Walters announced the creation of his own studio Worlds Untold.

At that time it was stated that the team has already been formed and started working on the debut project - an action-adventure game set in the near future.

Mac Walters talked to the editor-in-chief of Eurogamer portal and told about his vision of Worlds Untold.

Here's What We Know

The studio founder said that his team wants to create "worlds that developers themselves dream of". Walters emphasised that his goal is new franchises and he has no plans to work with existing ones, despite the fact that the chosen path is more difficult.

The developer is not intimidated by competition with established brands and is convinced that despite the abundance of popular franchises, the public will be keen to see something completely new.

I certainly recognise the challenges that come with creating worlds from scratch. In the past, I've been at the heart of generating new IPs. However, I also see the opportunities. Our approach is that we spend a lot of effort creating the world, then move on to the characters, then on to the story and gameplay.

We want to create worlds so memorable that you dream about them at night. Worlds need to be well designed. The best way to bring them to life and make them interesting is to fill them with believable characters who are involved in the story. Fill it with mystery and wonder. And at the centre of the story, in the lead, should be the player.

Worlds Untold studio got the support of NetEase Corporation, so there is a reasonable hope that the new team's games will be exactly what they dream of.

Source: Eurogamer