Ukrainian studio announced Famine Way game, which will tell about the horrors of the Holodomor and show these events through the eyes of a little girl

By: Anton Kratiuk | 28.11.2023, 15:58

These days, the world community honours the memory of the victims of the Holodomor, one of Ukraine's worst tragedies.

The genocide of Ukrainians, organised by the Soviet authorities in 1932-33, led to the starvation death of 4 million people.

Ukrainian studio STELLARIUM.gaming announced a project that will tell the world about the terrible history of the country.

Here's What We Know

Famine Way game was announced, which will show Holodomor through the eyes of a little girl Olena, whose mum and sister died of hunger and she was left all alone in an empty house, and the only friend of the girl was a wounded stork.

It will be a gloomy adventurous game in the drawing style with a linear plot and moral dilemmas. At the same time in Famine Way there are no dialogues, which only emphasizes the tragedy and horror of the situation in which the girl found herself.

The developers ask all those who care to add the game to the Steam wishlist and thus honour the memory of the victims and support the project, which will bring the truth to young gamers around the world.

Russian propaganda makes great efforts to distort information about the Holodomor, so spreading information about the game is a contribution to the fight against information sabotage of Russia - a terrorist country. By the way, the news about the imminent release of Famine Way has caused a storm of negative emotions among propagandists and Russian officials: they are afraid of the truth and do not want people to learn about the atrocities and aggression against Ukraine through this game, which, unfortunately, continue today.

Source: STELLARIUM.gaming, Steam