11 bit Studios announces action-adventure game Creatures of Ava at Xbox Partner Showcase

By: Dmitro Koval | 07.03.2024, 17:48

In addition to the announcements related to Frostpunk 2 and The Alters, 11bit Studios also presented a new project from Inverge Studios at Xbox Partner Showcase - the action game Creatures of Ava:

Here's What We Know

The game takes place on the planet Ava, whose inhabitants are threatened by an infection. Players will play as Vic and have to save the creatures using non-violent methods. The motivation is compassion, not collection or exploitation. To achieve this, players need to disconnect from technology, immerse themselves in the customs of the planet's people, and establish a deep connection with the planet.

Music plays a significant role: using a flute, players communicate with creatures by imitating their sounds. This interaction extends to seeking help from the creatures in solving puzzles and gaining a unique perspective on the world. In addition, Vic wields the Nafitar staff, which cures an infection by helping creatures that have been exposed to it, making them aggressive.

Where To Play

Creatures of Ava will be available on Windows and Xbox Series consoles upon release, and will be immediately available in the Game Pass catalogue.

When We Can Expect It

The game will be released "later this year".

Source: GamingBolt