Korea is cancelled. Insider Tom Henderson has shared exclusive information about the next instalment of the Far Cry franchise

By: Anton Kratiuk | 27.09.2023, 19:09

Authoritative insider Tom Henderson published interesting information about Far Cry 7.

Here's What We Know

The first fact is in the header of the news: the rumour that the events of the new game will take place in Korea (or near it) is not true. At the same time, the insider does not know what location will be the real Far Cry 7 action.

The game under the working title Project Blackbird is being developed on the Snowdrop engine and for the first time in the series will offer players a non-linear story, the main theme of which will be the rescue of rich relatives of the protagonist. Henderson knows that the kidnappers will be a group called Sons of Truth (the name may change). The player will be given 72 hours of in-game time to rescue the relatives, which corresponds to 24 hours of real time.

As an indulgence, the time the player spends in the hideout will not count. The hero will have to interrogate enemies, but it's worth keeping in mind that they can lie, remain silent, and even escape from captivity. It should be remembered that someone from the family can be killed by criminals, which will affect the plot of the game. Apparently, this is where its non-linearity lies.

You can rescue relatives in any order, as they will not be kept together.

When We Can Expect It

Far Cry 7 is planned to be released in autumn 2025.

Source: Insider Gaming