Bloomberg: Disney executives are seriously considering buying video game giant Electronic Arts

By: Anton Kratiuk | 11.10.2023, 13:51

Insiders and journalists have been saying for years that the Disney media holding company is planning to get serious about entering the video game industry and is considering several companies for purchase. One of the main candidates is always called Electronic Arts, as it not only owns the rights to a large number of popular brands, but also for the last ten years produced games on Star Wars - Disney's flagship franchise.

Here's What We Know

As it became known to the editors of the edition of Bloomberg, in the management not only continue to discuss the development of the game direction, but also insist on the need for a takeover of a major video game company, meaning Electronic Arts.

An article on the career of Disney CEO Bob Iger explicitly states that his deputies are pressing him to consider the proposal.

At this point, Iger is hesitant to make the move, but given the pace of the video game industry and the money it brings in, Bob Iger could make an offer at any time that EA can't refuse.

Source: Bloomberg