Ubisoft has registered domain names for "Might & Magic Fates"

By: Dmitro Koval | 13.12.2023, 15:20

It seems that Ubisoft has already registered domain names for an unannounced game based on the Might & Magic franchise.

Here's What We Know

Last month, a Twitter user (X) under the handle @Kurakasis noticed that the company had acquired the domain names mightandmagicfates.com and might-and-magic-fates.com. Although this is not yet confirmed, it is likely to be related to previous Ubisoft Shanghai job listings that stated that the Chinese studio was working on a "new Might & Magic AAA game" - one of the positions they were looking for was a director, and the successful candidate would have to have significant experience in open-world game development.

Let me remind you that the last numbered title, Might & Magic X: Legacy, was released back in 2014 for PC and Mac.

Source: VGC