Reputable insiders have denied the rumour that id Software studio is working on a new game based on the Star Wars universe

By: Anton Kratiuk | 25.12.2023, 18:58

A few days ago, a blogger and insider under the nickname eXtas1s reported in his podcast that the creators of legendary shooters DOOM and Quake from id Software studio are working on a new project under the Star Wars brand. He suggested that the main character of the game could be the popular The Mandalorian, but most likely his words are not true.

Here's What We Know

On the XboxEra podcast, two well-known insiders - Jeff Grubb and Nick Baker - said that they have carefully studied this information, checked it with their sources and confidently asserted that id Software is not developing a game based on the Star Wars universe.

Nick Baker stressed that he has heard rumours about the development of a Mandalorian game, but this project is not being handled by the creators of DOOM.

Source: XboxEra