Insider: Konami's Silent Hill Short Message horror game Silent Hill Short Message will be announced at the State of Play show

By: Anton Kratiuk | 31.01.2024, 12:40

Sony's State of Play show will take place tonight.

The Japanese company promises to present fifteen interesting and colourful projects, some of which have already been published by insider Shpeshal_Nick. According to rumours, one of the shows will be the long-awaited gameplay demonstration of Silent Hill 2 Remake, but perhaps fans of the cult Japanese horror franchise are in for another surprise.

Here's What We Know

Authoritative insider Dusk Golem - a "specialist" in horror games - reported that at State of Play with a high probability will be the announcement of Silent Hill Short Message from Konami, which has long been rumoured, but until now there was no specific information.

Recall, recently it became known that the events of the new Silent Hill game will unfold not in the creepy town of the same name, but in an apartment building called The Villa in modern Germany, and the main character will be a girl Anita. It will be a psychological horror with a high age rating and plenty of violent scenes.

Plus, Dusk Golem suggests that a release date for Silent Hill 2 Remake, which is being handled by Polish studio Bloober Team, will be announced at State of Play. In early January, Sony indirectly confirmed that an updated version of the cult horror game will be released in 2024.

Source: Dusk Golem