Rockstar Games requires its employees to return to full-time work in the office

By: Dmitro Koval | 04.03.2024, 17:39

Rockstar Games, which is known for its past problems with crunch culture, recently changed its work policy to require employees to return to the office full time. The company justifies this by saying that it is necessary to ensure the safety of its employees and increase their productivity, but employees themselves fear that returning to work could lead to harmful work practices.

Here's What We Know

The company has required overtime in the past, and workers fear that the new policy could be a step backwards. The IWGB, a trade union representing workers in the gaming industry, claims that Rockstar has not listened to their concerns or clearly explained the reasons for the changes.

So far, Rockstar has not provided any official comments on the situation.

Source: GamingBolt