Vanillaware has released a new trailer for Unicorn Overlord, showing combat, skills, and more

By: Dmitro Koval | 29.02.2024, 15:53

Unicorn Overlord will be released next week, so the developer Vanillaware has published the latest video from the Josef's Guide series, dedicated to combat tactics:

Here's What We Know

In battles, players send units from the fort to fight enemies. The exchange of allied units before a battle allows for strategic adjustments, and the battle involves the use of active and passive skills until one side wins or both sides run out of actions.

If neither side wins, the unit with the lowest HP is rolled back and goes into a standby state. Attacking it gives you the First Strike advantage. Players can prioritise skills before combat, and the Optimise function automatically sets tactics. Valour gained from defeating enemies and liberating cities is used to deploy units and activate valour skills with a variety of effects.

Where To Play

Unicorn Overlord will be available to play on Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 consoles.

Source: GamingBolt