SEGA wants to adapt Persona, Shun Megami Tensei and Catherine

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 01.07.2022, 16:28

IGN reports that SEGA wants to continue telling stories outside of video games. Therefore, in the future we can see not only new ones "Sonics the Hedgehog", but also, for example, screen adaptations of Atlus works. 

SEGA is ready to sell the rights to movies and series on intellectual property Atlus, including Persona, Shun Megami Tensei and Catherine

Toru Nakahara, lead producer of "Sonics the Hedgehog" and Sonic Prime

"The worlds of Atlus are filled with strong drama, cutting-edge style, and characters that will stay with you for a long time. Stories like those in the Persona franchise resonate with our fans. We're going to expand the lore of this series and others, showing it like no one else has." saw." 

With whom exactly SEGA plans to cooperate - it is not specified. It is only known that the company is negotiating with various studios and producers.