Rumors: the next Assassin's Creed is dedicated to the Aztecs

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 13.07.2022, 21:27

The Assassin's Creed series is famous for its rich selection of historical settings - we visited, among other things, the medieval Middle East, Paris during the revolution and the Caribbean during the age of piracy. They say that in the next part we will go to the Aztec Empire.

A popular video game YouTuberJeremy Penter, aka ACG, started the rumor. However, convincing sources of information Penter did not name, so take the information with a large amount of skepticism.

As a reminder, Ubisoft is currently developing Assassin's Creed Infinity - a service platform for future parts of the series. It is unknown whether Assassin's Creed about Aztecs (if it exists at all) will be a part of Infinity or a separate project.