Fans held an in-game funeral for Red Dead Online

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 14.07.2022, 10:05
Fans held an in-game funeral for Red Dead Online

Players have long prayed for the health of Red Dead Online, but were not heard — recently, Rockstar Games announced the end of active support for the western. Now all that remains is to hold a decent funeral!

Posts with the hashtag #RedDeadFuneral started appearing on Twitter the other day, where gamers share memories of the deceased and curses at Rockstar.

Also yesterday, July 13, fans held a flash mob to mark the anniversary of the release of the last major update for Red Dead Online. As part of the event, it is proposed to say goodbye to the action in game cemeteries.

"The day has come when the community pays tribute to the game. Many of us love her and want more love from Rockstar. So get into the game today and have a beer at Valentine's Graveyard or Blackwater.' - One of the tweets with the hashtag #RedDeadFuneral

Officially, the development of Red Dead Online is being cut, as the developers are gradually shifting resources to the new GTA. According to fans, the reason was also the lack of popularity of the game.