Resident Evil - Netflix's Resident Evil reviews

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 14.07.2022, 11:47

Today, July 14, the Resident Evil series from Netflix starts. Journalists have already watched it and shared their opinion - in short, the TV show turned out to be mediocre, but, as they say, it goes well with beer.

The film has a rating of 56/100 on Metacritic (based on seven reviews) and 50/100 on Rotten Tomatoes (based on 14 reviews). We will highlight three fragments - from reviews with high, average and low ratings.

The Telegraph - 80/100

"Resident Evil is a zombie adventure that knows what's required of it. Which is to fill the screen with rampaging hordes of the undead and convince horror fans that there is life after The Walking Dead. The series does just that beautifully."

The A.V. Club - 42/100

"After a good opening episode, Resident Evil turns into a boring action adventure rather than something new or scary. The complete lack of horror here is a flagrant sin."

Collider - 25/100

"The series suffers from poor execution, clumsy acting, and fanservice that rarely works. It had the potential to be an excellent adaptation of the original source material, but the flaws proved to be too many."

The events of the series take place in two time lines. In the first, before the outbreak of the zombie virus, teenage sisters Jade and Billie, daughters of Albert Wesker, move to New Raccoon City and learn that their father is up to something terrible. In the second line, an adult Jade tries to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.