The Return of Gothic! A full-length trailer for the remake of one of the most popular RPGs has been unveiled

By: Anton Kratiuk | 12.08.2022, 23:12

At the THQ Nordic Showcase 2022 we saw the full trailer for the remake of the iconic and beloved by many gamers RPG Gothic.
In the video studio Alkimia Interactive showed painfully familiar to millions of players mines, where prisoners work.

We should note that with modern graphics and using the latest technology good old Gothic looks much more impressive and exciting than in the original game, which was released over 20 years ago.

The game designers promise to flesh out and expand the long-known story and "completely reimagine Gothic."

The release date for the updated Gothic has not been reported, but it is stated that the game will be released on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.