Magical attacks, a wide range of shields and high complexity - the developers of God of War: Ragnarok told about the combat system of the game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 31.08.2022, 11:42

Game Informer published an article about God of War: Ragnarok battle system. Information shared by the leading developers of the game's combat system Mihir Sheth and Denny Yeh, who have 17 years of experience with the God of War series.

  • The main weapons ща Kratos will be Leviathan's axe and Chaos Blades, but in the new game they will have some magic effects: using Leviathan players will be able to freeze enemies and Chaos Blades incinerate them with fire.
  • Instead of one shield, there will be several in God of War: Ragnarok. Game Informer mentions two of them: Dauntless Shield and Stonewall Shield. The first is designed to parry attacks, while the second shield effectively blocks blows and accumulates a charge that Kratos can use to deliver a powerful ground punch and stun the enemy.
  • Kratos is still the main one, while Atreyus supports him remotely and attacks enemies with archery shots.
  • In some visited locations, more powerful enemies will appear as the story progresses.
  • As in the last part, optional locations will be much more difficult than the story locations, but the rewards in them are significantly higher.

God of War: Ragnarok will be released on November 9 on PS4 and PS5. Pre-order of the game is already open.