The developers of the Splinter Cell remake will update the game's storyline to appeal to new audiences

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.09.2022, 15:04

At the end of 2021 Ubisoft officially announced that they are developing the remake of the first part of the cult spy action Splinter Cell.

Now it has become known that the developers of the updated game plan to change the storyline a little bit and modernize it, so the new audience will like it.

That's what it says in the job description of the scriptwriter on the Ubisoft Toronto website:

Using the first Splinter Cell as the basis, we're rewriting and updating its story for a modern audience. We want to retain the spirit and major themes of the original game while exploring our characters and world to make it more authentic and believable. By getting a writing position at Ubisoft Toronto, you'll join the team responsible for the storytelling and help create a cohesive and compelling story for a new audience of Splinter Cell fans.

The Splinter Cell remake is in such an early stage of development that no details about the game's story and gameplay changes, as well as platforms and release date, have been announced.


The original Splinter Cell was released in 2002 and immediately won the love of gamers thanks to its exciting storyline and addictive gameplay. For the last 20 years the main hero Sam Fisher is one of the most recognizable characters in video games.