To be or not to be? Crystal Dynamics has launched a poll about the future of the Legacy of Kain franchise

By: Anton Kratiuk | 01.10.2022, 21:38

Crystal Dynamics, the studio that recently separated from Square Enix and acquired the copyrights to Legacy of Kain and Tomb Raider, has launched a remarkable survey.

The developers are asking gamers if the franchise is worth developing further and in what direction we should go, especially when you consider that the last game was released almost 20 years ago.

Crystal Dynamics asked if players are interested in a remake or remaster of the old games, if we should do a sequel to the vampire story, or if we should restart the series. To take part in the poll, follow the link.

It is unknown what decision the community of gamers will make and whether the developers will listen to it, but one thing is clear: with the patronage of Embracer Group, Crystal Dynamics has a chance to return to the Legacy of Kain franchise.