The marasmus grows stronger. Metacritic site blocked in Russia because of a grass growing simulator

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.10.2022, 17:11

Once again the Russian government has shown itself to "care" about its citizens.

This time the victim was the Metacritic website, which itself has not infringed on the health and honor of Russians. We all know that Metacritic is a site with ratings from subject journalists and users of games, serials and films. It does not sell or advertise media projects, it reflects their quality. So in Russia they blocked Metacritic because of ... a game that was released back in 2019!

We are talking about Weedcraft Inc - a marijuana cultivation simulator. We can only guess at the logic of Russian officials and wonder at the speed of their decisions.

By the way, Weedcraft Inc received low scores and is not very popular. There are many more popular games on this topic, but the reason for blocking Metacritic chose this particular project.