Phil Spencer confirmed: Sony is ignoring its proposed ten-year contract to bring Call of Duty games to PlayStation

By: Anton Kratiuk | 07.12.2022, 16:50

It became known today that Microsoft and Nintendo have agreed that after the deal between the American corporation and Activision Blizzard games Call of Duty series will be released on Nintendo consoles.

Valve also supports this merger, as it also accepted the offer of Phil Spencer to make Call of Duty available on Steam.

More and more giants of the gaming world are moving to Spencer's side, and only Sony continues to seriously resist the deal between Microsoft and Activision Blizzard, seeing it as a threat to its own interests.

Here's What We Know

Phil Spencer gave an interview to the authoritative Bloomberg, in which he officially confirmed that Sony was offered a ten-year contract for the release of Call of Duty series games on PlayStation, but the Japanese company has completely ignored the proposal.

Head of Xbox does not hide his dissatisfaction with the situation, but he and his team have ideas to reach a compromise that would suit all parties.