The Elder Scrolls Online developers hint at their plans for 2023

By: Dmitro Koval | 22.01.2023, 19:06

According to Eurogamer, Zenimax Online has launched an advertising campaign for this year's storyline in The Elder Scrolls Online. Influential people and some members of the press received a mysterious letter depicting the symbol of Daedric, the Demon of Knowledge, the Lord of the Tides of Fate, secrets, and so on... The character was one of the main ones in the Skyrim Dragonborn expansion (players may remember collecting several souls for him to get a skill book in Oblivion).

The letter, signed as "Leramil the Wise," addresses the reader as a "proxy" and follows the usual epic quest of destiny: "the crisis is extremely dangerous," "the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance," and the reader "must be the thread that keeps reality itself from unraveling."

Leramil has not yet been in the TES world, but we can assume that it is the name of an elf. If you place the letter under ultraviolet light, you can see the Mora symbol (an eye with stripes underneath), which may be a clue to TES's plans for 2023.

Source: PC Gamer