7 big-budget games, 2 film adaptations and a board game: Polish studio Bloober Team has shared its long-term plans

By: Anton Kratiuk | 07.03.2023, 18:31

During the Games Invest Forum 2023 business conference, currently taking place in Warsaw, Polish studio Bloober Team has shared its long-term plans.

Here's What We Know

It is no secret that Bloober Team has long had ambitious plans to become a leader in horror development. To achieve this goal, the studio plans to release seven big-budget games between 2023 and 2027, as well as a board game and a series based on The Medium, and an adaptation of the psychological horror Layers of Fear.

Here are the games that Bloober Team is already working on at the moment:

  1. Silent Hill 2;
  2. Project C;
  3. Project G (in concept stage);
  4. Project H (planned);
  5. Layers of Fear (in collaboration with Anshar Studios);
  6. Project M (in collaboration with Draw Distance);
  7. Project F (in collaboration with Rogue Games).

In order to appeal to a wider audience of gamers, Bloober Team plans to add more action elements to their games, but will not give up on the horror concept.

Bloober Team's CEO Piotr Babieno described his company's strategy as follows:

We are true to our DNA: our games use fear to help players cope with the challenges of everyday life. They act as a kind of catharsis to help people cope with real fears. It's no coincidence that many projects have taken a darker turn these days: the horror genre is at its most popular when social unrest, wars and economic crises are all around us.

To implement their plans, the studio will open new Bloober Team offices in Los Angeles and Warsaw. Moreover, the Poles will actively cooperate with external studios.

The Polish developers' nearest release will be a remake and reimagining of Layers of Fear, followed by an update on the horror game Silent Hill 2.

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