Ubisoft is preparing a non-extgen version of Far Cry 5: to celebrate the shooter's fifth anniversary, the developers are promising an update with a 'welcome feature'

By: Anton Kratiuk | 15.03.2023, 21:54

To celebrate the five-year anniversary of the Far Cry 5 shooter, Ubisoft is hinting at an early release of a non-xtgen version of the game.

The developers promise to announce the exact details later, but now French game designers are intriguing gamers with the message that on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series there will be some "coveted feature" that the Far Cry 5 fans have been waiting for.

It's likely to be the addition of ray tracing, increased frame rate and improved resolution.

Developers are urging fans of the franchise to keep a close eye on the news from Ubisoft over the next three weeks.