Counter-Strike 2 on mobile devices? Why not: Dataminer found mention of the shooter's release on iOS and Android in the game's code

By: Anton Kratiuk | 24.03.2023, 16:44

Counter-Strike 2 has become the star of this week's gaming news sites.

The game is generating a lot of interest and is getting more details.

At the moment we know that Counter-Strike 2 release is announced only on PC, but it is possible that the new version of the network shooter from Valve will be released on mobile devices.

This information was shared by Aquarius, who has analyzed CS 2 source code and found there console commands with "Mobile" in it.

Given that Source 2 games run smoothly on iOS and Android, and that a similar prefix has previously been found in Dota Underlords and Artifact, which were developed with mobile devices in mind, it can be assumed that sooner or later Counter-Strike 2 will be released on smartphones and tablets.

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