In total, Blizzard has blocked over 100,00 Overwatch 2 accounts for fraud

By: Dmitro Koval | 19.04.2023, 17:48

Blizzard has confirmed that it has reached a significant, but actually slightly embarrassing milestone in the fight for fair play - more than 100,000 accounts have been blocked since Overwatch 2 launched in October 2022.

Here's What We Know

There was a certain amount of criticism of Overwatch 2 at its release for being more like Overwatch 1.5, and it became even more so when it became known that the game would be free to play and hundreds of scammers rushed into the game. Blizzard immediately promised to actively fight cheaters, but 100,000 blocked accounts in just six months is an insane number, as Blizzard itself says:

"Our first guiding principle, “Fair is fun,” comes from our belief that cheating is never okay in Overwatch 2. Playing with cheaters is frustrating, robbing everyone of a fun and fair match. Our team will never stop working to identify and protect against cheats, and we’d like to share how you can help!"

Overall, it seems that Blizzard is willing to spend a huge amount of time and energy on improving its platform in terms of fighting cheating, disruptive and toxic player behaviour, and avoiding unfair play. The company has now created a Defence Matrix initiative that will be responsible for these processes in the future, so it will be interesting to see what else the company has to offer.

Source: insider-gaming