Developers have confirmed that you can skip the main story in Diablo IV, but there is a nuance

By: Anton Kratiuk | 26.04.2023, 13:33

Another interesting detail about Diablo IV has been revealed.

In a recent video, careful gamers noticed a button, that allows you to skip Diablo IV story campaign.

In his tweet the game's community manager Adam Fletcher confirmed that the developers have indeed made such an option. However, you can only skip the story if the gamer has played it once.

In response to the user, Fletcher added that this option will be free for everyone, but in his opinion the Diablo IV storyline is exciting and varied, so it's not worth skipping it.

When We Can Expect It

Diablo IV will release on June 6 on PC ( only), Xbox Series, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4.

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