Blizzard's plans have changed: Overwatch 2 will not feature the PvE story campaign the developers promised

By: Anton Kratiuk | 17.05.2023, 11:47

During the marketing campaign for Overwatch 2, the developers from Blizzard put a lot of emphasis on the fact that in the new shooter players will not only be able to fight against each other in PvP battles, but also to join in groups to complete the story PvE mode.

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This promise, unfortunately, is not destined to come true.

On the stream dedicated to the future development of Overwatch 2, game designers announced that the PvE-mode will not appear in the online shooter. According to them, the team actually worked on the introduction of such a possibility for several years, but it turned out that the PvE-mode implementation is too complicated and requires a huge amount of working resources, which after the unsuccessful Overwatch 2 release were aimed at improving the existing content and fixing bugs.

Now, instead of a large and complex PvE campaign, the developers are planning to add a small mode to the game. It will be available in the sixth season of Overwatch 2, which will start in August 2023.

Source: PlayOverwatch