Insider: Bioshock IV is dying in production hell. Cloud Chamber studio can't cope with game development

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.05.2023, 12:46

Fans of the Bioshock franchise have been waiting for the next installment, which is being developed by Cloud Chamber Studios. The game is supposed to be titled Isolation, and will be set in the Antarctica of the 60s.

In the absence of the game's creator Ken Levine, many gamers have already expressed skepticism about the project, and now the information from the insider Oops Leaks gives even more reasons to be concerned.

Here's What We Know

According to Oops Leaks, Bioshock IV is in production hell. The insider claims that the problems previously reported have not been resolved, but have only worsened.

Due to constant concept changes, inexperienced game designers and perturbations in the development team, Cloud Chamber is unable to build a unified vision for the project, causing development to be restarted for the fourth time back in the summer of 2022. Also, the developer and publisher are not sure about the financial success of Bioshock IV, so they can't decide on the game's budget.

Oops Leaks feels that the game should be announced immediately and get the public's opinion about it, so that they can get out of the vicious circle of failures and then make the final decision about continuing the development or cancelling it completely.

It's hard to disagree with the blogger's opinion, few games have come out successful after so many problems. Bioshock IV needs to be dealt with urgently!

Source: twitter