Ubisoft's black mark: screenshots of the current version of Skull and Bones have been leaked online. Development of the long-suffering pirate action game continues

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.05.2023, 13:17

Ubisoft has not given up hope of bringing the long-suffering pirated online game Skull and Bones to release.

Proof of this was provided by Reddit user under the nickname Desperate_Shock9830.

Here's What We Know

The informant has published three screenshots of the allegedly current version of Skull and Bones.

It's hard to judge the quality of the game from the images, but the Reddit user is confident that the action game won't be released in 2023 and has even suggested that Ubisoft may decide to cancel the project.

But that seems unlikely, as Skull and Bones has a huge investment and more than nine years of work, so the developers would rather go all the way and release the game at some point than shut down development completely.