Insider: Final Fantasy XVI pre-order numbers are falling short of Square Enix's expectations. Developer concerned about the situation

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.06.2023, 12:48

Despite the game's obviously high quality and powerful marketing campaign, Final Fantasy XVI pre-order numbers are falling short of Square Enix's expectations, according to respected journalist and insider Imran Khan.

Here's What We Know

According to Khan, the Japanese publisher was counting on gamers' strong interest in the new installment of the iconic franchise, and at the moment Square Enix is seriously concerned about Final Fantasy XVI's overall sales figures.

It's worth noting that the game only comes out on the PlayStation 5, which is a significant factor. If the game were available on PC as well, the pre-order figures would probably be much higher.

That said, the pre-order situation doesn't mean that Final Fantasy XVI will flop. It's clear from the footage already shown that the developers will deliver one of the best projects of 2023. Most likely, sales will pick up once critics' evaluations and first reviews are published.

When We Can Expect It

Final Fantasy XVI will be released on June 22, 2023 exclusively on PlayStation 5.

Source: Patreon