The developers of the crime shooter Crime Boss: Rockay City have revealed the release date for the console versions and published a long-term development plan for the project

By: Anton Kratiuk | 07.06.2023, 12:03

The PC version of Crime Boss: Rockay City, a co-op shooter featuring Hollywood stars from the 80s and 90s, was released in March.

The game received low ratings and did not attract much attention from gamers. But after the release of such "giants" of 2023 as Redfall, Gollum and Forspoken, it becomes clear that Crime Boss: Rockay City is not so bad. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series console users will be able to find out for themselves.

Here's What We Know

Crime Boss: Rockay City will be released on June 15 on the current-generation consoles - it has become known from the new shooter's trailer.

The disc edition will be available from September 5.

Along with the release date of the console versions, the developers have published a support plan for the game:

  • a free update with new content will be released in June;
  • Between July and September the paid addon Dollar Dragon: Gold Cup and a set of new weapons will be released. During this period gamers will also be offered a free update;
  • from October to December Crime Boss will feature a paid weapons set and another free update;
  • By the end of June next year, the developers plan to release paid add-on Sheriff Norris: 99 Problems, Urban Legends set, Nasara's Revenge add-on and two free updates.