Any coincidence is coincidental: Microsoft comments on gamers' comments accusing Clockwork Revolution of plagiarising BioShock Infinite

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 13.06.2023, 12:25

InXile Entertainment, the developer of Wasteland 3, presented its new steampunk game Clockwork Revolution at the Xbox Games Showcase. However, gamers immediately began to compare this project with BioShock Infinite, as Clockwork Revolution almost exactly copies Infinite in some aspects. It got to the point where the producer of the BioShock Infinite trailer joined the discussion, and later Microsoft commented on it.

Here's What We Know

A Twitter user named Butmac said that he was the producer of the BioShock Infinite trailer 10 years ago and noted that Clockwork Revolution reminds him a lot of the game he worked on. He made a comparison between the two projects to show all the similarities. Some gamers on Twitter agree that Clockwork Revolution does resemble Infinite, but some wrote that a certain percentage of the game's elements are based on the main ideas of steampunk. Nevertheless, it is obvious that InXile was inspired by Infinite, but it is important not to cross the line between "inspiration" and "copying".

Later, Microsoft commented to Eurogamer, where it stated that any coincidence was coincidental, and in general, Clockwork Revolution allows you to customise your main character.

Customisation is good, but such comments are more amusing than answering questions. Sooner or later, InXile Entertainment will have to comment on this situation.

Source: eurogamer