Shock! Bethesda CEO Todd Howard is not getting any younger! In a great interview, the developer revealed two big news about his life plans and Skyrim sales

By: Anton Kratiuk | 13.06.2023, 13:02

Bethesda publisher Todd Howard has given a big interview to IGN with two pieces of good news and bad news.

Here's What We Know

Let's start with the bad news: Todd Howard admitted that he's not getting any younger!
According to his estimation, The Elder Scrolls VI is likely to be his last game as development manager.

Considering games of this magnitude take an enormous amount of time, and Howard is 52, the developer doesn't expect to have the energy and time to continue after this game.

The good news is that sales of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have exceeded 60 million copies!

The famous RPG from Bethesda is the seventh best-selling game in history. This result has been achieved in 12 years, not least because of the numerous re-releases of the game.

Source: IGN