All these comparisons make no sense: Avowed developer explains why Obsidian's upcoming RPG shouldn't be compared to The Outer Worlds or other games

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 19.06.2023, 13:12

We wrote that after the Xbox Games Showcase, InXile Entertainment was accused of plagiarism after showing their game Clockwork Revolution, which resembles BioShock Infinite. However, this is not the only game from the showcase that has been compared to others. Now, Obsidian Entertainment has to fight back with its upcoming role-playing game Avowed. It has already been compared to Skyrim, created by Bethesda, and The Outer Worlds, another Obsidian RPG, but one of the developers of Avowed explained that such comparisons are inappropriate.

Here's What We Know

During the discussion of Avowed on the rpgcodex forum, Briar Diem, one of the game's developers, appeared and explained why all these comparisons are meaningless.

"The trailer fails to show much in its 2 minute run time. To clear up misconceptions though I'll say this, the game is big and open, it is unfair to compare it to Outer Worlds, which I think it is nothing alike. The studio that did the trailer did some compression of colors and image editing. The screenshots that have been released are much more representative of what it looks like. A lot of the game is being kept hidden right now, I think you will have to wait until the next trailer or some sort of presentation to really see it." A"The trailer fails to show much in its 2 minute run time. To clear up misconceptions though I'll say this, the game is big and open, it is unfair to compare it to Outer Worlds, which I think it is nothing alike. The studio that did the trailer did some compression of colors and image editing. The screenshots that have been released are much more representative of what it looks like. A lot of the game is being kept hidden right now, I think you will have to wait until the next trailer or some sort of presentation to really see it."

Later, Briar also said at the forum that Avowed is the game that has been in the Alpha test period the longest among all Obsidian projects. This is done to ensure that the game does not have serious problems at release. By the way, the graphics and lighting, which some people criticise, have been promised to be improved and demonstrated later.


Avowed is a single-player first-person RPG where players take on the role of an envoy of the Aedir Empire, who is sent to investigate rumours of a plague that threatens to destroy everything. The game is set in the universe of Pillars of Eternity, another Obsidian title.

When We Can Expect It

The exact release date is unknown, but the game is due out in 2024 on PC and Xbox Series (immediately on Game Pass).

Source: windowscentral