Metaphor: ReFantazio will use "modern elements for unique twists"

By: Dmitro Koval | 21.06.2023, 20:19

Atlus has recently published an interview with Metaphor: ReFantazio director Katsura Hashino, in which he says that although Metaphor: ReFantazio was originally conceived as a traditional Western medieval fantasy, the development team decided to add modern elements to the fantasy setting to create a "unique mood". According to Hashino, this applies not only to the visual style of the game, but also to its story and gameplay.

Here's What We Know

"Initially, we were working on the game in a Western medieval setting, but we quickly realised that it was becoming a fairly typical fantasy game," said Hashino, "so to give it a more unique feel, we looked at the modern world and the elements that could be added to this fantasy setting to create an underlying sense of connection between the two worlds. Regardless of the story structure or gameplay tricks, we tried to make this concept a key characteristic of the game's universe."

Character designer Shigenori Soejima shared: "Even in terms of character clothing, we thought: "What if we incorporate modern elements instead of the traditional medieval look?". "Perhaps we could add fashion trends from the 60s that would fit harmoniously into this fantasy world?" "These could be some of the ideas we've been experimenting with."

During the interview, Hashino also stated that Atlus plans to position Metaphor: ReFantazio as a flagship IP alongside Persona and Shin Megami Tensei.

When We Can Expect It

Metaphor: ReFantazio is scheduled for release around 2024 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Source: gamingbolt