This is not Oblivion! An in-depth video has been released about the incredible customisation options for character creation in Baldur's Gate III

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.07.2023, 12:14

One of the main features of the RPG Baldur's Gate III is an incredibly detailed and elaborate character editor. And it is this element that the exclusive video of Kotaku portal is dedicated to.

Here's What We Know

Before starting Baldur's Gate III, players will have to create their own unique character, and here the developers from Larian Studios have given full creative freedom.

There are 11 races and 12 classes to choose from, as well as a huge number of appearance settings, hairstyles, voice, distinctive features (tattoos, scars, piercings) and racial features, such as horns, hooves, fangs or ears.

Previously, the developers stated that if the player does not want to spend time creating a hero, he can choose one of the six characters already created by the game designers with a personalised backstory.

When We Can Expect It

Baldur's Gate 3 will release on PC on 3 August, while on PS5 the game will be available from 6 September.

Go Deeper:

Baldur's Gate 3 developers have updated the system requirements of the hotly anticipated role-playing game

Source: Kotaku