Creepy demons, a crashed aeroplane and WWI trenches in the trailer of the unusual horror Ad Infinitum

By: Anton Kratiuk | 30.07.2023, 13:48

German indie studio Hekate and publisher Nacon released an atmospheric trailer of unusual horror game Ad Infinitum.

Here's What We Know

Judging by the trailer, the events of Ad Infinitum will unfold on two locations: in the trenches of the First World War and in the creepy house of the main character of the game - a German soldier.

In the military trenches the hero is haunted by demons and other supernatural creatures, and in the dilapidated house he will have to solve a number of puzzles. It is unknown where it will lead to, but Ad Infinitum intrigues with its unconventional setting and impressive technical execution.

When We Can Expect It

Ad Infinitum is expected to be released in September 2023 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

The developers also reminded about the possibility of pre-order.