The developers of Jurassic World Evolution 2 have announced a new add-on that will introduce four giants of the prehistoric seas into the game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.08.2023, 13:20

Frontier studio announced the next add-on for Jurassic World Evolution 2.

Here's What We Know

In DLC Prehistoric Marine Species Pack developers will add marine dinosaurs, prehistoric fish and other inhabitants of the depths.

Players can count on four huge creatures: giant Shonisaurus, predatory Nothosaurus, Archelon, which resembles a modern turtle, and impressive size Dunkleosteus.

In the add-on will appear above-water platform Lagoon Rock, where the Archelon and Notosaurus will be resting.

In addition to the Prehistoric Marine Species Pack, which will be released on the 10th of August, on the same day the developers will release a free update with new content and technical improvements.

Source: Steam