In India, a couple sold their 8-month-old baby to buy an iPhone 14 and shoot videos for Instagram. The second one was not sold in time

By: Elena Shcherban | 31.07.2023, 16:37

Despite the fact that many users have long ceased to consider the iPhone a luxury, the large queues outside shops on the day of the premiere and jokes about selling a kidney are still relevant. A couple from West Bengal, a state in India, went further and sold their own child for a new smartphone.

Here's What We Know

Something wrong was noticed by the couple's neighbours. They drew attention to the strange behaviour of a man and a woman and the absence of their 8-month-old son. The family also got a new iPhone, although they lived poorly and could not afford such a purchase. As a result, the neighbours turned to the police. As it turned out, the couple sold the baby, and with the money they received they bought an iPhone 14 and went travelling around the state (not even other countries) to shoot Instagram videos.

Police also found out that the man tried to sell his 7-year-old daughter as well, but didn't make it. The investigation is now ongoing. The child's mother and the woman who bought the child have been detained, while the father remains at large for some reason.

Source: DailyO