Zack Snyder will get the go-ahead for a "Gears of War" film adaptation from the game's creator Cliff Blesinski, but only on one important condition

By: Tetiana Honcharenko | 24.08.2023, 15:31

Gears of War creator Cliff Bleszinski has endorsed Zack Snyder to direct a film based on the popular video game series. But on the condition that the director fulfils one requirement.

Here's What We Know

During the Gamescom 2023 event, where Snyder was presenting his upcoming film "Rebel Moon," the director was asked which video game franchises he thought would be suitable for a film adaptation.

"Gears [Of War] has always come up in our sort of circle"," he teased a bit, then added that he's always been interested in the Halo franchise, though he admits that Paramount has already produced a TV series based on the game.

While Snyder hasn't said much about Gears of War, he's long been a fan of the video game and a favourite to potentially direct the film.

Now, Cliff Blezinski has responded to Snyder's interest in "Gears of War" by saying that he "approves" of Snyder directing the film, but with one condition.

"I approve but only if [Dave Bautista] is Marcus [Fenix]"," Blezinski wrote on Twitter/X.

Acclaimed actor and former wrestler Dave Bautista has long been a strong proponent of the possibility of starring in a film adaptation of Gears of War. When asked earlier this year if Netflix had approached him about doing a "Gears of War" film, Batista revealed that he hasn't received a call from the studio, but he's very hopeful they will.

"It’s a part that I’ve sought after for years and I feel like I could bring a lot of heart to Marcus Fenix. I really would. I think I would do that part justice. I feel confident in it, so hopefully it’ll come my way and we’ll be having this conversation in a different way sometime", the actor says.

In March, Batista revealed that he turned down a role in the "Fast & Furious" franchise because of his activist stance in support of "Gears of War."

"I don’t mean to offend anybody. I’m not putting down anything else, I’m just saying [Gears] is way more interesting to me", Batista said.

When We Can Expect It

The "Gears of War" film was approved by Netflix last year, but additional information about its development remains scarce at the time of publication. A tentative release date and cast have not been announced.

Source: NME