Patrick Stewart exposes Tom Hardy's bad manners on the set of Star Trek: Nemesis and says the actor was "difficult" to deal with

By: Tetiana Honcharenko | 04.10.2023, 18:37

Star Trek legend Sir Patrick Stewart has said that one of the challenges he faced during the filming of Star Trek: Nemesis was actor Tom Hardy.

Here's What We Know

In his new memoir, Making It So, actor Patrick Stewart recalls his career on stage and screen, including his iconic role in Star Trek - and even meeting a young Tom Hardy.

"It was just challenging to establish any rapport with him. Tom wouldn’t engage with any of us on a social level. Never said, ‘Good morning,’ never said, ‘Goodnight,’ and spent the hours he wasn’t needed on set in his trailer with his girlfriend"

As a reminder, Hardy played the role of Shinzon, the villainous Praetor and leader of the Romulan Empire, who turns out to be an underhanded clone of Picard himself.

Star Trek: Nemesis received critically negative reviews. Stewart himself admits he was not a fan of the film.

"Nemesis, which came out in 2002, was particularly weak" - he said. "I didn’t have a single exciting scene to play, and the actor who portrayed the movie’s villain, Shinzon, was an odd, solitary young man from London. His name was Tom Hardy."

Stewart was unstinting in his reprimands and stated that he never thought Hardy would achieve such a lengthy career.

"On the evening Tom wrapped his role, he characteristically left without ceremony or niceties, simply walking out of the door. As it closed, I said quietly to [co-stars] Brent [Spiner] and Jonathan [Frakes], ‘And there goes someone I think we shall never hear of again.’"

However, the actor added that he was pleased that Tom had refuted his words so convincingly.

Hardy himself, apparently, decided to live up to his reputation, because neither he nor his representatives did not react in any way to such statements of Stewart.

Source: Insider