One of the executive producers of Loki's second season has revealed whether the God of Naughty will have a direct impact on the events of Avengers: Secret Wars

By: Tetiana Honcharenko | 04.10.2023, 19:29

The second season of the Loki series is supposedly designed for the important mission of connecting the scattered storylines of the Marvel Multiverse into one unique narrative that will set the stage for the epic war that will break out in Avengers: Secret Wars. By the way, MCU fans have long understood that this is the direction the story has been heading for years. And now, producer Kevin Wright has revealed whether Loki will play a key role in it.

Here's What We Know

At a press day for the second season of "Loki", ComicBook reporters asked Wright, "Does Marvel see Loki as a cohesive element of the Cartoon Network Saga?"

"He's become that and I remember [Michael] Waldron and I would talk a lot about in season one or just kind of acknowledge in season one, so much of the first two, three phases of Marvel storytelling do track back through Loki and the choices he made, Even Thanos coming to Earth is a ramification of Loki not doing his job in Avengers" Kevin explained, and then added: "So all of that plays out and as we were developing this, we were kind of like, 'Oh, in a broad sense, it would be really cool if the coming phases also ran through Loki and his choices, but in a different, unexpected way.' It always, I mean those are kind of like broad discussions, but we always are focusing in on just what we're doing and try not to get too bogged down by the bigger picture. If we tell our story really well, the rest of the MCU will embrace it."

When reporters suggested that this answer could be considered confirmation that Loki will have a significant impact on the events of "Avengers: Secret Wars," Wright also reminded that "Sylvie has a lot of responsibility in that, by the way, with what she's done with the Multiverse."

"Loki 2" is about Loki trying to cope with time travel after his alternate version Sylvie killed He Who Remains, which violated the Sacred Chronoline and allowed Kang and his variants to terrorise the multiverse once again. The Time Control Authority still has no idea what Loki and Sylvie did to the Multiverse - threatening its existence, you might say. Given the history of Secret Wars events in the Marvel universe, season two may show Loki and Sylvie's realisation that they have only begun a Multiverse event that will inevitably lead to total destruction.

Source: ComicBook