Microsoft adds a "Share" button to Bing AI so users can easily share bot answers

By: Dmitro Koval | 21.03.2023, 15:34

Microsoft wants to make it easier for users to share their experience of using GPT-4-based Bing Chat with others by adding a special button that will allow them to post bot responses to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Of course, users have been sharing interesting things that the AI has said before using screenshots, but the new feature will make it much easier.

Here's What We Know

On Friday, Microsoft demonstrated in its blog post a "Share" button that can be used to create a permanent link to a response in addition to sharing it on social media. Clicking on the link will take you to a Bing chat window that will contain the answer you've been given, complete with quotes. You can even follow the other person's response.

In addition to the share button, Microsoft is also testing an optimised "Balanced Mode" that will significantly improve performance and answer questions faster.

Source: The Verge